BeeLoved Custom Artisan Bags was created by my love and passion for beautiful handbags. My entire life I have collected and loved purses. My Mom always called me a bag lady. A few years ago I fell in love with the Mexican Recycled Plastic Totes. I loved the colors and the fact that they are waterproof and light weight and I could get them in every color to match my bathing suit cover ups. I became an Ambassador for a local bag company and after selling school color bags to all the mom's for teacher Christmas gifts, I then felt the inspiration to create School/Team/Sports Custom Color Bags. I started curating my own collection from Artisans in Mexico that I sent my color schemes and designs to for local schools and colleges. My favorite part of my collection is the BeeLoved Pausayu Colombian Bags and matching hats. I have always been a huge hat lover!! When I found Pausayu I fell in love. The quality matches the artistic beauty of the hats and bags. Having my daughter Briella help me build this business is one of the most special parts of it. She went with me to our first Charity Event where BeeLoved debuted. It was such a successful event we went full steam ahead ever since.

There are hundreds of brands that resell Wayuu crafts, without even knowing the hands involved in the process, they also do not know our culture and the importance of preserving our traditions, in the vast majority of cases it is easy to take advantage of the scarcity of resources and education in which our people unfortunately live, a high rate of Wayuu population remains with great basic needs, they reside in scattered areas of the urban center and the opportunities for work and sale of handicrafts to people in the region are almost nil, that is why they often badly sell their art, their work And even their tradition, since it is the only alternative they find to bring food home. While it is sad to see how in one of the regions where the most deaths due to lack of drinking water, food, basic sanitation, malnutrition and abandonment, it is still the attraction of people who do not feel our pain to create companies that ultimately benefit little and exalt our ethnicity. This problem, was the great reason why PAUSAYU was created, they decided to support the local market, so that each craftsman obtains the value he deserves within our company, so that they do not walk hours in the sun looking for someone to buy their crafts at a degrading price, without credits and remuneration for sales. Pausayu is one of all those who work to take out each design and maintain exclusivity, of the hands that work, of those who smile every time their work is well paid, of shoes worn out by long hours of walks in search of materials, of those who paint the palm and intertwine each fabric, of those who found job stability without moving from their region, PAUSAYU, is the 100% indigenous brand, where we grant with our hearts what we do best, Art.